Sunday, March 25th marks the beginning of Holy Week with Palm Sunday. We will gather at St. Andrew’s for worship at 11:00 am, remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and joining with the crowds in singing “Hosanna” and hailing him as King.
On Thursday, March 29th we will gather at Calvin-Goforth Presbyterian Church (1602 Sommerfeld Ave.) at 7:00 pm to share a worship experience as we celebrate Maundy Thursday, remembering Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. The service will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and an opportunity to have your feet washed. Please bring your own towel for the foot washing, and avoid wearing pantyhose or other garments which will make foot washing difficult. You may wish to bring slippers to wear after the foot washing. There will be a collection of socks for the Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry as an offering.
On Good Friday, March 30th we will gather at St. Andrew’s to remember the day that our Lord Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. We worship together at 10:30 am, followed by a time of fellowship.
On Easter Sunday, April 1st we will gather in the lower hall at 9:00 am for an early morning worship service in celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Breakfast will be served by the Youth Group at about 9:30 am in the lower hall. A freewill offering will be received to help send our youth to Canada Youth 2016. At 11:00 am we will gather in the sanctuary for worship, which will include the joyful feast of the people of God: Holy Communion. You can also have your photo take if you would like to be in our church directory.