You are invited to a picnic/BBQ in celebration of the baptisms of Daniel and David Tabien, sons of Hortense Elizabeth Nsoh Tabien. The boys will be baptized on Sunday at St. Andrew’s, and the family are inviting everyone to a picnic/BBQ in the park across from the church at 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 15th. (If it’s raining, we will move to the lower hall of the church.) There will be some food provided, but you’re welcome to bring a contribution to the meal.
And… while I’m emailing… don’t forget that this is the weekend that the Rev. Gwen Ament is preaching for a call to team ministry at St. Andrew’s. Come to the “Come and Go Tea” from 2- 4 p.m. today (Saturday) to meet Gwen. And come to worship tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and stay for the congregational meeting following the service. Remember to pray for Gwen and for our congregation as we discern whether Gwen is the one that God is calling to partner with us in ministry.