The Christian Education Committee is hosting a Celebration of the Psalms to last the whole month long! We are studying the Psalms in Sunday morning Bible Study, exploring the Psalms in our children’s programs, and our worship is inspired by the Psalms as well.
Art and Poetry Contest:
Some of you have been working on creative projects for the church library’s art and poetry contest. Everyone can participate, whether or not you think of yourself as an artist or a poet. The idea is to take a Psalm (or part of a Psalm), reflect on it, and respond by creating a poem, song, or artistic creation to express what the psalmist is saying.
- Theme: The Psalms (Choose: Psalm 13, Psalm 23, Psalm 147 or your favourite Psalm)
- Prizes will be given according to the following categories: Grades 4-8, 9-12, & Adults
- Entry forms & poster boards available at the church library
- Contest entries will be displayed in the church library and lower hall.
- The deadline for submissions has been extended! You are invited to prepare your art or poetry and to submit it to our librarian, Mary Jane Hanson, by Sunday, January 30th. All submissions will be shared and prizes will be awarded at the “Celebration of the Psalms” program and potluck supper on January 30th at 4:00 pm.
Potluck Supper & Program to “Celebrate the Psalms”:
Children, youth, and adults alike are invited to the upcoming “Celebration of the Psalms” program and potluck supper on Sunday, January 30th at 4:00 pm.
Please sign up on sheet by the library or phone Mary Jane Hanson (373-2254) if you would like to contribute to the program by sharing a poem, song, reflection, or any other creation inspired by the Psalms.
Also remember to bring some food to share for the potluck supper, as well as your own plate, cutlery, and cup (so we don’t have to use disposables!)