The St. Andrew’s Outreach Committee tries to stay busy throughout the year. We encourage members of St. Andrew’s to put their faith into action, reaching out beyond our walls to support local missions and organizations serving the downtown community. Our outreach also includes reaching out to find new ways of inviting people into our church community here at St. Andrew’s.
At the bottom of the page is a list of some of the agencies that we highlight in our programming within St. Andrew’s. There no lack of volunteer opportunities, no matter what agency you are interested in. Please show your care by getting involved.
We are a small committee, so if you are interested in anything that we do and would like to become more involved, please contact the church office at St. Andrew’s at 306-242-0525 and we will get back to you.
The committee is currently focused on two agencies, one in the downtown community and one on campus.
Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry
Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry is a mission of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, operating out of a store-front at the corner of 20th St. and Ave. E. The Rev. Stewart Folster gently guides this mission, providing a safe place for people on the street to have a cup of coffee and some conversation. Counselling is provided when needed and a worship service is held every Wednesday. In the last couple of years, a very successful art program has been added to the list of things that they do, as it was recognized that all people have a need to be creative in some way. It is not just therapeutic but sales of calendars and cards featuring some of the artists in the program have gone back into purchasing supplies.
The Outreach committee and congregation of St. Andrew’s have been actively involved with Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry for a number of years. We provide sandwiches twice a month to help the mission with its food program, and warm clothing is provided, starting in the fall and continuing throughout the winter months. We help organize and serve a sit-down Christmas dinner complete with gifts. We are
U of S Ecumenical Chaplaincy
The Ecumenical Chaplaincy is a shared ministry of Anglican, Presbyterian and United churches that seeks to nourish faith and build community among students at the University of Saskatchewan. This is done in co-operation with other faith communities to help support the spiritual needs of the whole university. The ecumenical chaplaincy provides students studying at the University of Saskatchewan with a much-needed calm haven to relax and have a quiet conversation. Each Thursday during the school year, a simple breakfast of muffins, fruit, juice and yogurt is provided, followed by a Bible study for those who would like to participate. The Chaplaincy is an important point of contact for those students wanting to stay in touch with their faith after leaving home.
Exciting prospects
We are excited about the prospects of reaching out beyond our doors at the corner of 20th and Spadina this summer. In the past, like most committees within our church we took the summers off but this year plans are in the works to take advantage of the street traffic during some of the festivals and activities along the riverbank so that we can both get to know the people in the community and help support our downtown
As you find yourself in our downtown neighbourhood this summer, keep an eye out for us at 20th and Spadina. Chances are that you’ll see us holding a chilli cookoff, putting on a fundraiser for our downtown partners or greeting our neighbours with lemonade and a kind word. We’d love for you to join us!
Agencies to support
EGADZ is an amazing, community-based, inter-agency organization that provides resources and actively supports services that empower youth at risk in the community. Its goal is to provide a safe,
Saskatoon Friendship Inn
Saskatoon Friendship Inn is a social center that provides two nutritious meals each day, for the transient, homeless and less fortunate, 365 days a year. It too has expanded what it does in the community and has similar programs to EGADZ, but for adults. Volunteers are welcome to help with special meals during the year.
Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre
The goal of the Saskatoon Food Bank & Learning Centre has always been to be able to close its doors and to know that all people in Saskatoon have enough food to eat. Unfortunately, this agency has seen an upturn in attendance in
Saskatoon Crisis Nursery
The Crisis Nursery is a residence that provides a safe second home for children during a family crisis or emergency. It allows parents
Elizabeth Fry Society
Unlike Monopoly, getting out of jail is not free, and those leaving the system usually ave less support than most people imagine. The Elizabeth Fry Society provides social networking, advocacy and legal support for women dealing with the criminal justice system.