The Hildur Hermanson Women’s Missionary Society group extends a warm invitation to one and all to attend a Goulash Lunch after the 11 a.m. worship service on Sunday, March 15th. “What’s Goulash?” you may ask. It’s a hearty Hungarian stew… very warm and yummy!
The lunch will be a fundraiser to assist the national Women’s Missionary Society with the “Together We Can!” projects. The money raised will help the Reformed Church in Eastern Europe in buying School Supplies for their students and support the building of a hostel for the students at the Jobat Christian School in India. A video highlighting these projects will be shown after lunch.
There will be a freewill offering, and WMS envelopes will be available for income tax purposes. You are also invited to bring your own bowl, spoon, & cup for the meal (to save using disposable dishes and save our environment!).