During The Season Of Lent each year, the people of St. Andrew’s are encouraged to collect coins to support the work of Presbyterian World Service and Development. Our gifts to PWS&D are one way that we care for people around the world and for God’s creation. The Stewardship Committee has provided coin-collecting jars for us. You can pick one up in the entranceway, and remember to bring it back on Easter Sunday. There are also some PWS&D envelopes in the entranceway if you would prefer to write a cheque.
A Maundy Thursday Worship will be held on April 17th at Calvin-Goforth Church (1602 Sommerfeld Ave.) at 7:00 pm. As we gather to remember the last supper Jesus’ shared with his disciples, we will share in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Everyone is invited to bring a pair of new socks to donate to the Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry.
Good Friday Worship will be on April 18th at St. Andrew’s (436 Spadina Cres. E). We will gather to remember the day that our Lord Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried. We worship together at 10:30 am, followed by a time of fellowship. There will be a joint choir for this worship service. Speak to Gillian Lyons (306-242-0525 or gillianlyons@sasktel.net ) about rehearsals if you would like to join the choir.
Early-Morning Easter Worship & Breakfast (in Kiwanis Park, across the street from St. Andrew’s). We will gather in the park at 8:30 am for an early-morning worship service in celebration of the resurrection of Christ. Breakfast will be served at about 9:30 a.m. by our Presbyterian Youth in the lower hall of St. Andrew’s. A free will offering will be received to send our youth to Canada Youth 2014. At 11:00 am we will gather in the sanctuary for worship, which will include the joyful feast of the people of God: Holy Communion.