The Christian Education Committee is planning for a Bible Reading Challenge early in the New Year. We will get started on Sunday, January 3rd, so you might want to consider making Bible reading your New Year’s resolution.
We have seen in past years that our congregation can be pretty competitive when it comes to reading challenges, but this time we decided to encourage cooperation. Together, as a congregation, we will attempt to read through the entire Bible!
When you come to church on January 3rd, you’ll find a clothesline filled with cards indicating a section of Bible reading. Choose one, two, or more cards, and take them home to guide your reading. When you’re finished, bring them back to church and peg them on the “completed” clothesline.
Let’s try to read the whole Bible together by Sunday, February 7th. Note: There will be a special clothesline for the children and families, so everyone can get reading.