Church Family Potluck & Family Photos:
Everyone is invited to stay after church THIS SUNDAY OCT. 30th for a potluck lunch. (Bring some food to share!)
Newcomers to St. Andrew’s are especially encouraged to attend, to hear about our church and some of the ways you can get involved in our programs and groups, as well as to get your photo taken for our photo display board.
Church Membership Classes – Begin this Sunday, Oct. 30th:
St. Andrew’s has been happy to welcome many new people into our worshipping community over the last several months. We are so glad to have you with us! Several people have been asking about how they can become members of the church, and so it is time to offer a membership class.
Participating in the class will give you the opportunity to learn about the Presbyterian Church in Canada, what we believe, and how we live out our faith together in Christian community. It will also give you an opportunity to learn about St. Andrew’s and some of the ways that you can become more involved in our church family.
You are welcome to join the class if you are thinking of becoming a member of the church, if you are already a member and want to brush up on the basics, or if you just want to explore a bit and have an opportunity to ask some questions. Everyone from grade 9 to age 99 is welcome!
The class will be on Sundays after church (12:30-2:00 pm) starting next today with a potluck lunch and continuing for three more weeks (Nov. 6th, 13th & 20th). Please phone or email the church office to let Rev. Amanda know that you would like to participate.