Each Sunday in church, our worship includes the Prayers of the People. The idea is that these prayers should reflect the prayers, concerns, thanksgivings, joys, and needs of the whole People of God. Although the minister normally prepares the prayers, she appreciates it when others suggest needs or concerns that could be included in our corporate prayer. In addition to the Prayers of the People, members of our church community are ready and willing to pray for you and about your concerns, while maintaining your confidentiality through the Prayer Chain.
To facilitate the sharing of your prayer concerns, prayer request forms can be found in the entranceway of the church, along with a box for your prayers. The prayer request forms allow you to indicate whether you would like your prayer passed along to the Prayer Chain, the newly formed Prayer Group which meets on Fridays at 11 a.m. about twice per month, and/or to be included in the Prayers of the People on a Sunday morning.