A massive 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck Japan’s northeast coast on March 11, which triggered a subsequent tsunami claiming thousands of human lives and causing widespread damage to infrastructure and coastal cities. Over 350,000 people are living at evacuation sites while numerous aftershocks continue to hit the region.
The Japanese government has requested international assistance to respond to this massive disaster. Presbyterian World Service & Development partners are currently assessing the extent of humanitarian needs, especially at evacuation sites where food, water, health and sanitation kits and blankets are in short supply. Updates will be posted on the PWS&D website as available.
Please pray for the hundreds of thousands of people affected by this disaster in Japan. For those who would like to make financial contributions, Presbyterian World Service & Development is currently accepting donations. Funds will be sent through our international church networks to meet the needs of those who are affected.
Donations to PWS&D can be made through the offering at St. Andrew’s, by mailing a cheque to the office, donating online, or calling PWS&D at 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations “Japan Earthquake.”