You are invited to join with the Presbyterian community in Saskatoon for these upcoming events to begin the Season of Lent:
TUES, FEB. 24: PANCAKE & SAUSAGE SUPPER @ Calvin-Goforth Church (1602 Sommerfeld Ave). Share in the Shrove Tuesday tradition of eating pancakes on “Mardi Gras” before the season of Lent begins. Come for pancakes between 5 PM and 7 PM. A free will offering will be received to support the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and PWS&D. (This event is being supported by other churches in the Nutana neighbourhood.)
WED, FEB. 25: ASH WEDNESDAY SUPPER & WORSHIP @ St. Andrew’s. We begin the season of Lent together with a simple supper in the lower hall at 6 PM, followed by worship upstairs at 6:45 PM. The worship will include an opportunity to receive ashes on the forehead – a sign of humility and repentance.
WED, MAR. 18: SHARING CIRCLE WITH THE REV. STEWART FOLSTER & THE REV. GORDON WILLIAMS @ St. Andrew’s. We will share a simple supper in the lower hall at 6 PM, followed by a sharing circle at 6:45 PM.