Sixteen youth and adults from St. Andrew’s have just returned from an amazing week at our National Presbyterian Youth Conference, Canada Youth 2009. At CY09, those participating in the Conference Branch took part in small group sessions each day to explore the scriptures, reflect on worship, and build relationships with each other and with God.
As part of the gathering prayer in our small groups, we took time to reflect on this question: “How have you experienced God’s presence in the last day?” We wrote our answers to the question, placed them in the “Emmanuel Box”, and took time to celebrate God’s presence among us as we gathered to learn and grow together.
I invite you who are reading this to take a moment to answer that same question… How have you experienced God’s presence in the last day, the last week, or this summer? Spend some time celebrating and giving thanks for God-with-us today.
The Sacraments represent some very special ways in which we experience God with us – in the pouring of water and the sharing of bread and juice.
You are invited to join us at St. Andrew’s for the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, August 2nd at 10:00 a.m.
You are also invited to celebrate with us as we baptize Grace Anne Drover, daughter of Vickie and Doug Drover, on Sunday, August 9th at 10:00 a.m.