In the most recent Presbyterian Record, a letter from the Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan was printed with the title “Working to be One: A Commitment to Ecumenism Benefits Communities on the Prairies.” The presbytery had been invited to write about some aspect of the ministry in this part of the PCC. The presbytery’s contributions to Christian unity were highlighted:
Although most congregations and ministers might agree with the ecumenical goal in theory, actual sharing in worship, witness and service with our Christian neighbours often gets pushed aside because of the busy schedules and many demands on our church leaders. On the Canadian Prairies, the churches have a long history of working together, and the current members of the Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan have inherited a great legacy of involvement and relationship with our Christian friends. Not only do our congregations and ministers participate in local ministerials and councils of churches, but as a presbytery we are one of seven sponsoring denominations of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism in Saskatoon. The purpose of the Centre is “to be an instrument for Christian reconciliation and unity… and to advance towards that unity in order that the world may believe.”
Read the complete letter on the Record’s website.